Take a Listen, With My Compliments!
Hi, I’m glad you stopped by! I have some interesting ideas I’d like to share with you. Why not grab your headphones and join me for a walk? As we stroll, we’ll bust some myths and reveal some lies that might be holding you back. Together, we’ll explore the keys to a fulfilling and authentic life, discovering what it truly means to live your best life. Let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery and growth – one step at a time.
Chasing Success = Misery
You know how we've always been told that "becoming successful" is the key to money, fame, and happiness? Well, that's a BIG LIE! Join me and let's uncover the real path to happiness and redefine success for a truly joyful and fulfilling life!"
You Are Not Your Story
Unravel the web of lies woven since childhood, and break free from the stories that hold you back. Our eye-opening audio program, 'You Are Not Your Story,' challenges your beliefs and empowers you to redefine your life. Discover the truth and reclaim your authentic self today!"
How to Do What You Love
Have you been dreaming of doing what you love, but feel stuck because it doesn't seem to pay the bills? Don't worry, I've got your back! In this audio, I'll give you a new perspective and some tips to help you strike the perfect balance between following your heart and making ends meet. Let's explore creative ways to blend your dreams with reality, so you can live a happier, more fulfilling life doing what makes your heart sing.
Become a World Class Failure
Ever noticed how the road to success is often paved with failures? In this audio, 'Become a World Class Failure,' I will share how to turn setbacks into valuable stepping stones, how you that you are neither a success, nor a failure, and how to embrace your stumbles to unlock your progress. After listening to this, you'll never be afraid to fail again!
How to Give a Lousy Talk - Pt. 1
Want to avoid ever being asked to speak in public? In this program, I give you the secret recipe for making sure you will never be called on again! If you prefer to stay off the stage, these insider strategies will ensure your success. On the other hand, if you are terrible at following directions, these tips will help you master the art of speaking in public. It's your choice!
How to Give a Lousy Talk - Pt. 2
Want to avoid ever being asked to speak in public? In part 2, I give you even more secrets for making sure you will never be called on again! If you prefer to stay off the stage, these insider strategies will ensure your success. On the other hand, if you are terrible at following directions, these tips will help you master the art of speaking in public. It's your choice!